On 11/28/06 4:06 PM, "Mark Menard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/28/06 4:04 PM, "Juan Espinosa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I want to know if render of buttons tables forms and other tags are based on
>> this templates..and how i could change it
> Hi Juan,
> The rendering of the buttons is based on the theme template. The templates
> can be found in the Struts source in:
>   /core/src/main/resources/template

Forgot to mention if you want to hack on these do the following:

1. In WEB-INF/classes/ make a template directory.

2. Copy the xhtml, and simple directories from the Struts distribution to
that directory.

3. in WEB-INF/classes/template make a directory for your own theme, such as
WEB-INF/class/template/mytheme/. You'll put any template you want to
override in this directory.

4. Optionally, although I'd highly recommend it, copy the contents of the
xhtml theme to your theme directory so you have something to hack on.

5. Hack away and see how it works.



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