"When I select a a value from (1 or 2) from the dropdownlist and submit the 
form, I get an exception from BeanUtils.populate method about some getter which 
can NOT be found!??"


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Urso Wieske 
Verzonden: woensdag 6 december 2006 13:44
Aan: user@struts.apache.org
Onderwerp: Struts1: Indexed Properties, BeanUtils populate, Form on

Hi folks,

I have problem with the scenario "Indexed Properties, BeanUtils and Form on 
REQUEST scope".
When I select a a value from (1 or 2) from the dropdownlist and submit the 
form, I get an exception from BeanUtils.populate method about some getter which 
can be found!??
IF change the scope of myForm to Session in my struts configuration, then I 
don't have a problem with beanutils. But I want my form on request scope! 

I have described below my problem scenario.

Is there a solution to this problem?? (form on request scope)
I have looked in diffenrent aspects but I am not sure what is happening here 
with BeanUtils:
- commons BeanUtil JAR version issue?
- scope (request/session) issue?
- JRE/Beanutil issue?
- program issue of in my scenario?
- array issue?

Urso Wieske

Scenario abstraction of my problem:
1.PrepareAction/myForm --------{forward}--------> 2.viewJSP 
-----{submit}-------> 3.ProcessAction/myForm

Action Mapping Configuration relevant settings:
1) myForm (MyForm class) is on request scope
3) myForm(MyForm class)  is on request scope

MyForm considerations:
I have a property "someWrappers" of type array of SomeWrapper (thus, not a List 
- SomeWrapper [] getSomeWrappers() { return someWrappers;}
- void getSomeWrappers(SomeWrapper [] someWrapper) {this.someWrappers = 
- SomeWrapper getSomeWrapper(int index) {return someWrappers[index];} 
- void setSomeWrapper(int index, SomeWrapper someWrapper) 
{this.someWrappers[index] = someWrapper;}

I have changed the name of the indexed property from plural to single noun 
(someWrapper,... to bypass the JRE1.3/1.4 - JavaBeans specs - BeanUtils issue.
My Target runtime is JRE5.

viewJSP is a JSP file which has the following structure:

<html:form action="/someAction">
        <logic:notEmpty name="myForm" property="someWrappers" >
                <logic:iterate property="someWrappers" id="someWrapper" >
                        <html:select name="someWrapper" property="propA" 
                                <html:option value="1">1</html:option>
                                <html:option value="2">2</html:option>


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