>So, you have type="java.util.ArrayList" in your form bean definition?

>Are you sure that Struts knows how to handle that?
Yes, it creates a new (empty) arraylist
>Have you tried calling yourFormBean.get("yourArrayList") and checking to
>see what it inside of it?
not sure what you mean - the action method is never called as the 
RequestProcessor cant populate the DynaForm from http request parameters...
I think the solution (for DynaForm on request scope) is:
a) override the get(String,int) method (is dynamic="true" required?)
b) use LazyValidatorForm (or/with LazyDynaBean)
c) put the form on session
d) include a new mapping attribute ;) e.g.
<form-property name="items" type="java.util.ArrayList" 
indexedBean="com.example.MyBean" />
thanks for your responses...I hope Urso is happy too!


From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 9/12/2006 3:24 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts1: CHALLENGE "Indexed Properties can not be used with FORMS 
on REQUEST scope!" TRUE or NOT TRUE?

Hash: SHA1


Strachan, Paul wrote:
> Chris, In my DynForm I'm actually using a java.util.ArrayList
> (contains my bean objects).

So, you have type="java.util.ArrayList" in your form bean definition?
Are you sure that Struts knows how to handle that? It might just be
creating a new ArrayList for your bean property and then not going
anything after that.

Have you tried calling yourFormBean.get("yourArrayList") and checking to
see what it inside of it?

> the http request contains properties:
> checkList[0].resultId=34&checkList[1].resultId=45 etc

Okay, I have my form submitting multiple "addQuestionId" parameters with
no specific subscripts. Perhaps you are trying to do something slightly
differently than I am.

Apologies if I missed the point.

> Dumb question: - assuming your String[] is empty when the
> processPopulate starts, what is the code to grow it to accomodate a
> variable number of http request parameters?

I don't have to worry about it... Struts handles parsing the request
parameters and setting up the array entirely. I merely call getStrings()
on my dyna form bean and I get the data.

- -chris

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