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Strachan, Paul wrote:
>> Have you tried calling yourFormBean.get("yourArrayList") and
>> checking to see what it inside of it?
> not sure what you mean - the action method is never called as the
> RequestProcessor cant populate the DynaForm from http request
> parameters...

Oh... so it bombs in populatePopulate before your Action.execute is
called? Hmm...

> I think the solution (for DynaForm on request scope) is:
> a) override the get(String,int) method (is dynamic="true" required?)

How will this help? I thought you said that your action code wasn't
being executed. If that's the case, then it will still bomb before you
get a chance to call get(String,int).

> b) use LazyValidatorForm (or/with LazyDynaBean)

Is this because poking something into "foo[3]" will auto-expand in a

> c) put the form on session

I'm not sure how this helps at all. Can you describe why you think this
will work?

If you have a multi-page flow that expects your form bean to continue to
hold information from past pages, then you will certainly need to store
the bean in the session. If this is a one-page form submission, then I'm
not sure why the choice of bean scope is relevant.

> d) include a new mapping attribute ;) e.g. <form-property
> name="items" type="java.util.ArrayList"
> indexedBean="com.example.MyBean" />

How is this different from your existing setup?

- -chris

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