Ok, I resolved the previous error, but now a new one pops up.

This is the situation:
We have a database in which we can look up certain persons.  When we find a 
person, we have the ability to register him in another database, with 
additional values.
If you find a user, you have a button to register him in the other database. If you push that button, an object is put in the request in the following action (req.setAttribute("currentUser", currentUser)). The next screen shows a form, with a few values already there, retrieved from the request (<c:out value=${currentUser.firstName} />) and some textfields to supply additional values (e.g. e-mail). Now, when I push register, the validation is triggered and when it fails, you return to this screen. The problem is that the request is cleared, right before that, so c:out shows nothing.
Is there a way to solve this problem?  Or a workaround?

What version of Struts are you using? How are you handling validation? We will need more details about your setup and configuration to diagnose this. It sounds like you're doing a redirect after validation, otherwise the request shouldn't get cleared.


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