On 2/28/07, Chaudhary, Harsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have page1.jsp which has a form which calls Page1Action which forwards
to page2.jsp. Also, session scoped Page1Form and Page2Form.

In Page1Action, I do:

Page2Form frm = new Page2Form();
frm.setSomeVariable("Some Value");

Then read this value in page2.jsp to display.

I feel the bad part is initializing the Page2Form myself. This works
correctly because I think Struts checks for the form being available in
all scopes, finds it in session, and just uses that instead of creating
a new one in the Page2Form constructor.

Is this way of doing things correct? If not why? Or am I zoned out too
much to make sense?

This is okay. Not great to my taste, but okay. You should use the same
key as "name" attribute in the action mapping. I would recommend you
another pattern, but I will not going to share my way of doing this
until a new version of Struts1 that would allow to turn off automatic
reset/populate of a form is released.

Why would you create an ActionForm for pure output purposes? You can
create a POJO or even access properties of your business object.

On a side note, in Struts actions precede pages. An action receives a
request and then displays a page. In your case, it obtains information
from page1, but it renders page2. Even this is not true. An action
does not obtain information from a page, it just receives a request
and it does not care where the request comes from. So talking in terms
"page1.jsp calls Page1Action" is not entirely correct to me. Therefore
I would name your action as Page2Action, not Page1Action, that would
be clearer for me.


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