No - what I said was that I would be surprised if the <s:form> s2 tag DOES NOT generate a HTML <form> tag. This was in response to your comment "Also, is counter-intuitive for html users that a <s:form> actually renders a table, instead of simply render a <form> tag" - which implies that no HTML <form> tag is generated for the s2 <s:form> tag.


This is crazy! Are you suggesting that maybe a FORM tag is written if you modify the templates? I would understand if you said maybe there is not a
FORM tag generated if you DO modify the templates!  Any solid framework
should be usable first and modifiable second. Is the framework usable without
writing framework code first?


On 3/10/07, Ian Roughley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have to agree with stanlick with this.
I would agree more work need to be done.
> I have abandoned in my project the more complex themes of struts and
> it in the "simple" theme (with customized tag templates here and there)
> because of these "<Table>" tags coming out of nowhere.
> If you imply a deduction that a <s:form> tag implies in the presence of
> <table>  and that <s:textfield> are in truth
> <tr><td>[label]</td><td><input type="text" ... </td></tr> i'm imposing
> obsolete html table structure to a page. What if I wanted to use <div>
> <span> ?
use the xhtml_css theme
>  What if I wanted to use a different table structure?
Then you have the opportunity to customize each theme to your particular
and specific need
> (two fields inside a simple <td> tag, for instance ?)
> Also, is counter-intuitive for html users that a <s:form> actually
> a table, instead of simply render a <form> tag.
I haven't looked lately, but I imagine there is a <form> tag in there
somewhere, otherwise I don't see how it would work.  Even in the dojo
theme, I believe the
> As for documentation, I recommend and effort to map the relation between
> tag x freemarker template so this tag customization becomes easier
> having to browse the struts.view.jsp code.
Although this would be a worthwhile documentation effort, I'm not
convinced that it is that necessary.  Each of the freemarker templates
are named after the tag, and I have never had to look at the tags java
code in order to determine which template is rendered.
> Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 09/03/2007 18:40
> Please respond to
> "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
> To
> Struts Users Mailing List <>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Need more comprehensive AJAX Implementation Instructions
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Also, I have yet to see what an Action class might
>> actually look like to handle the asynchronous call.
> It looks like any other Action.
> (BTW, Tiles is supported in S2 via the Tiles plugin,
> but Tiles 2 is still a bit fluxful.)
> d.
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