I'm pretty sure that contactType was not empty.  It was showing BIL on
the screen.

contactType is created using jstl's core tag <c:set> with request scope.
I just wonder if EL expression is allowed in <html:form>'s action
attribute.  Has anybody done this before?


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laurie Harper
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:00 PM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Re: EL expression in html:form action

Lim Hock-Chai wrote:
> I'm getting the "cannot retrieve mapping for action" error when using 
> EL expression in the action attribute of <html:form> tag.  See below.
> AcctContact.jsp ==>
> <html:form action="AcctContact${contactType}Action">
> .. . .
> </html:form>
> struts-config.xml ==>
> <action path="/AcctContactBILAction"
>    type="com.factor8th.i5.AcctContactAction"
>    name="AcctContactBILForm"
>    scope="request"
>    validate="true"
>    input="/AcctContact.jsp">
> .. . . 
> </action>
> Error ==>
> ======================================================================
> ==
> ==
> ERROR - ServletException in '/AcctContact.jsp': Cannot retrieve 
> mapping for action /AcctContactAction
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action 
> /AcctContactAction at 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageCont
> ex
> tImpl.java:495)
> at 
> org.apache.jsp.AcctContact_jsp._jspService(AcctContact_jsp.java:245)
> at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:92)

So contactType is empty or undefined, no? So it's not looking for the
mapping you've defined, AcctContactBILAction.


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