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riffla wrote:
> Sending a request form a JSP using ISO-8859-1 with POST method (no problem
> using GET method or UTF-8 on origin page) to either a Struts action or
> another JSP (with either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, tried both) replaces my å,ä
> and ö with '?'

Where do you see the '?'? In a web page? In a log file? In the results
of a database query from a command-line tool? It's possible that your
output isn't sensitive to the character encoding (for instance, a
terminal window or log file).

> even though I've set the Connector property (Tomcat as
> server) to UTF-8.

URIEncoding="UTF-8" only affects the interpretation of the URL string in
the request, not the body of the request. The body of the request is
interpreted using the content-type HTTP header.

> So the problem seems to happen with the POST data in the
> request when going from ISO to UTF using POST method...

If you are submitting data with a content-type of ISO-8859-1 and then
forcing the request's encoding to be UTF-8, then you are introducing the
problem yourself. ISO != UTF-8, so you shouldn't be doing that. If you
really need to use non-ASCII characters at all, then you should convert
everything to UTF-8. Make sure that all your pages use UTF-8 as the
response encoding, and all POST forms should then use UTF-8 as the
request body encoding.

- -chris
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