OK, let me include more details, may be someone will understand what I am talking about.
I have a list that belongs to  a Bean that's wet in an action class.

public AccountBean getAccountBean() {
   return accountBean;

AccountBean has an ArrayList<Invoices>  calles invoices.

now im my jsp, I need to display this in a datagrid, I am doing this, but it's not working:

<dg:dataGrid items="${accountBean.invoices}" var="inv" name="datagrid1" >
<header value="Name" />
<item value="${inv.statementDate}" />

that's the error  I am getting:

According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute items does not 
accept any expressions

Any Idea ??

I have a bean that is set in an action class. I can access it using struts tag, but what do I do if I need to access it from somewhere else ?

for example, if I need to access it from a list iterator.


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