On 4/16/07, Ken Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone point me (or at least give me a clue) where a potential
problem may exist?  I've configured my server to have a shared set of
Commons and Struts jars (something I did before reading the above
paragraph), and it appears to work, but I'd like to investigate a few
situations which may cause problems to better understand the possible

There are at least two potential scenarios to watch out for.

First, consider a case where you have a library commons-foo that your
webapp depends on.  Now, assume this library has a static variable
"bar" defined in one of its classes.  The challenge you have different
semantics depending on where commons-foo.jar is located.

* If commons-foo.jar is within /WEB-INF/lib, the static variable is
 global only to that particular web application.  If two different webapps
 use this library, their uses of the static variable do not conflict.

* If commons-foo.jar is stored in a shared classloader provided by your
 container (for example, in the shared/lib or common/lib directory for Tomcat)
 the global is shared *across* webapps, and any changes from webapp A
 can adversely impact webapp B.

Second, consider what happens if library commons-foo needs to
dynamically instantiate an instance of an application-provided class.
The naive way for a library to do this is:

   String className = ...; // Calculate the name of the class you want
   Class clazz = Class.forName(className);

Again, there are two different semantics (assuming the class to be
loaded is part of your webapp, not part of the shared hierarchy):

* If commons-foo.jar is within /WEB-INF/lib, the classloader can see your
 application class, and load it with no problems.

* If commons-foo.jar is stored in a shared classloader provided by your
 container, you'll get a ClassNotFoundException.  That happens because
 Class.forName() and friends start from the classloader that loaded the
 calling class itself (i.e. the commons-foo class doing this work) ... but
 your application class is not visible because you can only look *up* a
 classloader hierarchy, not down.

The libraries that Struts itself depends on have likely shaken out
most of the bugs like this since I wrote those warnings several years
ago :-).  But the only way to figure out if an arbitrary library will
work in a shared environment is to exhaustively test and/or audit the
code for statics and dynamic object creation.


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