--- Gena Batsyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Newton wrote:
> > --- Gena Batsyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Messages for that are generally stored in a
> > "flash"-like context (session but with automagic
> > removal after the next request completes).
> that' Interesting. Where can I read about flash-like
> context you are talking about?

Um... I'm not sure. I would have sworn I remember
somebody talking about it on this list within the last
week or so, but wouldn't swear by it; maybe somebody
was talking about a flash-scope interceptor?

In any case, the concept is simple: something gets put
into flash-scope (which is just a chunk of data in the
session) for the *next* request only, then is
automatically removed. It should be a pretty simple
interceptor, and it's a very useful beast, since it
can hold *anything*, not just simple strings.

>> If your list action isn't ParameterAware it won't
>> get any params anyway, I believe.
> Sure, but what if I still want it to be able to get
> some parameters other than from redirect

That would be a problem.

> As I said, if using chain, the whole load of
> parameters is applied to the second action, which I 
> want to avoid, I want it to get nothing except of 
> what I'm explicitly define.

Someone else may have a better idea, but I think this
is just the nature of the way HTTP works: you can
forward or redirect; forward means you get the same
request, redirect means you get a new one.

So you'd either need to strip, or re-create, the
request parameters you're interested in.

You might be able to put objects on the OGNL stack via
ActionContext before a chained action and get at them
that way, perhaps.


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