I am a wee bit confused on this one.
I have my Account bean, with a boolean field:
   private boolean billerSame = false;
along with a getter and setter, obviosuly.

On my form I have:
   <s:checkbox key="payment.billerSame" />

I submit the form and see this on the console for Tomcat:
SEVERE: ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception catched: Error setting expression '__checkbox_payment.billerSameAsPayor' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@401d45'

I am confused as to where this _checkbox_payment notation came from.

I looked at the generated page, and lo and behold there is this:

<input type="checkbox" name="payment.billerSame" value="true" id="Payment_retrieveFeeSingle_payment_billerSame" /> <input type="hidden" name="__checkbox_payment.billerSameAsPayor" value="true"/> <label for="Payment_retrieveFeeSingle_payment_billerSame" class="checkboxLabel">Does the Billing Address match?</label>

I get the first input, but the second hidden one? That is obviously where the error is coming from, but why/how? I do have validate turned on, so is that how the extra field is getting generated for checkboxes? Help.

OK Dave, feel free to show me which doc page I missed this time. :)

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