
I'm trying to avoid browser caching in my webapp since I've only got dynamic
pages. I'm trying the Apache mod_expires stuff. I've set it to :

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "now"

But unfortunately, it doesn't work : my HTTP header is set to
"Cache-Control: max-age= 0" actually but the browser (Firefox) still doesn't
want to do another request when I would like it to do so. It's configured to
not use caching (0 MB as cache files size) but it looks like it keeps the
current page in memory.

My (Struts) question is : could this occur because I'm using an
org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction forwarding ? Is there a way to avoid
this annoying caching ? I've tried it in as much browsers as I could, but no

LiveHTTPHeaders does show me that after the first request, when I come back
to my page thanks to forwarding, the browser doesn't make another request.
Is this normal behaviour, as far as Struts' forwarding is concerned ?

I'm using : Apache 2.2, Struts 1.3 & Tomcat 5.5



"Mon horizon était désormais les pétales courbés,
Ma nouvelle demeure resplendissait de flèches d'herbes folles
Et d'oreillers de pollens odorants."

(Naïmah, le philosophe Fémereif)

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