
      I am new to struts. I am using struts 1.3.8 for my project. Where can
I found the appropriate best practices to maintain while devlopment. I found
lot of material while browsing but wasn't able to figure out which was the
good one.

     My doubt is I am using a bean for every oracle table. Now the dataType
of variables set in the bean are same as the datatype as in the oracle
table. My form uses all the strings as recommended. What is the best place
to make dataType conversions that is what making me confused. As I have to
use the same beanClass for updating values in oracle and also to set values
for form, I cant put dataType conversion code in setter methods of the
Class. If I put dataType Conversions in ActionClass.. its becoming messy,
(which I feel is intended for business logic ).. I wish to use the  best MVC
architecture suggested by struts team.. So can anyone please help me
figuring out this issue. Thanks in advance.


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