Hi all,

I've been developing Struts 2 webapp for nearly a year now and have a great
deal of experience with it. Personally, the architecture of Struts 2 is much
cleaner than its predecessor. However, recently I converted one of my Struts
2 pages into Servlet + JSP solution and it turns out that Struts 2
performance is much worse than Servlet + JSP. In Servlet + JSP solution, the
server CPU is barely over 3-4% while with Struts 2, it's around 70% most of
the time. The JSP page is around 300 lines of code. I don't have a chance to
do any profiling to find out where is the bottleneck but I suspect it might
be OGNL which hinders the performance. I think, we already have a pretty
good feature set so we can start thinking about optimising Struts 2. That
will probably speed up its adoption in the industry.

The other thing I want to comment on is the use of Dojo as Ajax theme. I
don't have much experience with Dojo apart from a few hours playing around
with it. However, even with the latest version (0.9), Dojo just seems to be
to heavy weight for most purposes. I mean if you only want a bloody calendar
in your webapp, you don't want to load up a 100kb of  javascript. Plus, it
might be my experience only, Dojo seems to have the tendency to hang my
browser everytime I open a Dojo-based app.


Cuong Hoang

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