Sounds like a whole portal - quite a broad scope for a webapp. I guess you are using iframes so that you can flow each iframe thro further requests without losing the state in the other iframes or the main page. The app that I'm working on has several different tabs, but all within a single page and the load time of the HTML and javascript into the browser was minimal, but it was simply the Dojo processing, the browser dom engine processing and processing, all that js to interpret. That was with all the optimisations too. We made the initial mistake of using the Dojo drop-down title bar/box on rows in a table where typically 100 rows would come back!

Frank W. Zammetti on 28/07/07 20:47, wrote:
In our case, it's not the initial load that was killing us... well, it *was* a little too long (and we have a very nice Please Wait with spinning gears and such during that period)... the problem is the underlying requirements for the application. Let me try and give a brief background (although you've been around here long enough and seen my posts to know I can't say *anything* briefly!)

The app is a back-office replacement for a number of different apps... things like CRM, account creation, workflow, imaging system, etc. Each of these is sort of a separate module in the app. Each module further has a left and right-hand sides, the left-hand side has a variable number of tabs on it, each loaded individually, and the right-hand side typically has an image viewing applet in it, although sometimes has other things like search results, more data entry forms, etc.

The one requirement that's really been tough is that each of these modules the user needs to be able to flip between at any time with no real delay (at least no delay after the first time they load the module). So, a typical use case might be creating a new account in the new account module, and then being able to flip to the image view module to see the image of the scanned documentation for the new account application.

The way we did this, the only way we could to really meet the requirements I think, is that we have a bunch of common JS that loads up-front, which basically represents the overarching client-side framework. Then, each module is in an iFrame, but within each there's a ton of stuff that has to get loaded, some of it duplicate portions of the framework (although that's been minimized of course), and including Dojo in each one. For the most part, once a module is loaded it doesn't fully get loaded again, we just flip one iFrame visible while the others are hidden, that sort of thing. But there *are* a few instances where a module has to get reloaded.

Now, here's the part that really spurned the need to improve performance... we have an existing VB-based imaging application that we're not ready to move off of completely... this imaging app has the full suite of hooks into the workflow, the long and short of it is that from the VB app, a user clicks a button when they select a work item from a queue, which launches our web app. So, the initial load of the web app is maybe 5-7 seconds, not a big deal. Then to load the module that automatically gets started in that case takes about 8-10 seconds. Then it has to load an image in an applet, which is another few seconds. All in all it's roughly 20 seconds from fat-client to webapp loaded.

But, before the mods this past week, it was more like 45-50 seconds, sometimes more (I think we actually managed to get it closer to 10-15 seconds overall on Friday, getting us to around that 70% improvement I mentioned, give or take a bit).

You actually see that please wait display when the module is loading too, and from fat-client to webapp it's actually showing the whole time. Before the mods, you can see why Dojo was a problem: it wasn't just loading once, it was loading multiple times! And because of the fundamental architecture of the app, there wasn't much choice in the matter (I've toyed with just loading it in the parent frame, but that doesn't seem possible since the iFrames need a lot of it, and you start getting into tons of scoping issues).

I should also point out that one of the other changes I made that had a big impact was not using Dojo buttons any longer... I basically built a new button widget and wrapped it in a taglib. The problem there was that each of those tabs I mentioned gets loaded via AJAX, and then any <script> blocks in it is executed. When we disabled the Dojo widget parsing, we lost the ability to use markup to generate Dojo buttons, so I created a very thin taglib wrapper that spit out a <script> block to programmatically generate the Dojo button. This, it turns out, executes a lot faster than the widget parsing (I should also mention we're using Dojo 0.3.1 because it would be a major hassle to upgrade now)... the problem, which I'd bet you can guess, is that if you have a tab with numerous buttons, which we did in some cases, executing all that Javascript and manipulating the DOM (creating the Dojo buttons) wound up being as slow as using widget parsing, maybe even slower.

So now, the button widget and taglib I created doesn't spit out Javascript, the buttons are a lot simpler, and don't need to be created programmatically. This gained us 3-5 seconds alone.

Ok, see, I'm genetically incapable of giving a short answer to anything :) To answer your question, the initial load *is* long enough to warrant a please wait message, and we have one, and actually have from the start :)


Adam Hardy wrote:
Frank W. Zammetti on 28/07/07 16:10, wrote:
Martin Gainty wrote:
-where you able to collect metrics for scenarios other than expire headers of 1 hour..perhaps 2 hours?

No, we debated various times but settled on one hour because that seemed a reasonable period of time to account for JS changes (our own app JS really)... we figured images weren't terribly important if something changed, we could deal with a bit of ugliness for an hour :) but JS changes would obviously break stuff.

Interesting approach. Is the first-time load actually long enough to consider putting in a message on the browser window saying 'Please wait for a moment while application initialises...' or similar? Or is that initial load time quick enough anyway?

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