Another option is to subclass the Struts 2 FilterDispatcher to perform

public class YourAppDispatcher extends FilterDispatcher {
  public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    // your initialization code here...


2007/9/8, Leonidas Papadakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You can do the same with an application scope bean using spring . Create
> a simple pojo that initializes values on the constructor. Then add an
> entry to the applicationContext.xml file :
> <beans>
>    <bean id="myComp" class="org.components.MyComponent" singleton="true"/>
> </beans>
> Then in your java action file that you wish to have access declare :
> private MyComponent myComp;
> and create a setter :
>    public void setMyComp(MyComponent myComp) {
>        this.myComp = myComp;
>    }
> Now you can get and edit these "default" values from your action.
> I do not know if this is the best way to do it and please excuse if i
> have any typing mistake (it should be fine though...).
> Regards,
> Leon
> Chris Pratt wrote:
> > On 9/7/07, j alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> How is the ServletContextListener suited for my purpose ? . Can you please
> >> elaborate a little more? . What i'm looking for is access to the properties
> >> files' values and flags read from DB, not able to relate how this is 
> >> related
> >> to the listener.
> >>
> >
> >
> >>>> In Struts 1, we were having an init servlet to load the application-wide
> >>>> properties like dropdown values (from property files) into application
> >>>> context and accessing these within JSP. Is there a better way of doing
> >>>>
> >>> this in Struts 2, and do we require an initialization servlet at all ? .
> >>>
> >
> > The ServletContextListener is called when the ServletContext is
> > starting up and shutting down.  It's designed to let you do one time
> > configuration and initialization.  You have access to the
> > ServletContext so that you can put things in the Application scope.
> > Sorry, I thought that's what you were asking for.
> >   (*Chris*)
> >
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