
I'm experiencing a strange problem after upgrading from struts 1.1 to
1.3.8. Perhaps the problem is known or expected, I haven't found a
solution yet.

Basic structure:

  setupUser.do    fills in the form for a user profile
  user.jsp        displays the user profile form
  editUser.do     dispatches to UserDispatchAction

Most of the stuff is quite forward, except that I'm using custom tags
to display the form. The tags check the current users group
memberships and display or do not display the appropriate input
element. Example: there are checkboxes for users access rights. If the
current user is in the "admin" group, the boxes get displayed. If the
user is not (ie. the user is editing his own profile to change the
password) these input elements aren't displayed.

After the user hits the "update" button, the data get's forwarded to
UserDispatchAction.update(), where I copy it to the model and update
the backend. My problem is now: before the upgrade, _every_
attribute/value paris were included in the request, even the ones the
user couldn't edit. Now, after the upgrate, only the editable
attributes (the ones which had input elements in the form) are
transported. The result is, that I'm ending up with a corrupted model
because half of the attributes are missing.

Everything works fine, if an administrator submits the form (because
every attribute has an input element displayed). When a normal user is
submitting the form, all elements are listed in the DynaForm object,
but are set to null.

I'm not sure if the reason for this is some change in the tags (my
tags are simply wrappers around the standard struts tags, ie.
XylonTextTag extends TextTag) or the changes in the request wrapper
system. I tried to set
<controller processorClass="org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor" />
in the struts config as well, but no change.

BTW, I followed every step from http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsUpgrade
for the upgrade. And I'm using tomcat 5.0.28...


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