The struts nightlies for the 2.X line do not include plugins (though the 2.0.x 
lines do... I am not sure why). You will have to build it yourself. If you feel 
like trying it out, download the source using subversion. I am on windows and 
use TortoiseSVN which is nice and user friendly. You can get it here Next you will need to install maven to build, 
which can be found You can check out the 
struts code by right clicking in a folder a selecting "SVN Checkout". The URL 
is After the checkout, 
from the command line, navigate to the stuts/plugins/dojo directory and type 
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true. Maven should automatically do any extra downloading 
and compiling and you should be left with a nice jar in the targets directory.

As for if it will work for struts 2.0.9, I suspect it will, but have not 
tested. Plugins are modular and I don't know of anything that would prevent it 
from working on 2.0.9. With out site, I switched the main struts build in dev 
over to the 2.1 line by just swapping in the new jars I built. It "just worked" 
for me after the change with no weird bugs, but because it's a dev build, I 
can't guarantee it will work for you.

I am normally weary about using dev builds and I don't know what the release 
timeline for 2.1.0 is, but I found the improvements to the tree tag (and the 
whole dojo plugin) worth it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Prasetya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 19, 2007 2:39 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: <s:tree> and Hibernate

Where can i get this new dojo plugin ? and is it usable using 2.0.9 ?


Engelking, Nicholas wrote:
> I just went through the same thing. In struts 2.1 there is a new href 
> attribute on the tree tag. It points to an action that returns some json 
> using the json plugin that gives all the info about the node. You should be 
> able to use it in Struts 2.0.9 as well by using the dew dojo plugin and by 
> using the json plugin. My code looks like this:
> In my jsp I add a reference to the struts dojo tags in the new dojo plugin:

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