I forgot to ask are you using Struts 1 or 2?

In any case you should define your action mappings in the struts.xml.
There you will define the different jsp results for your action. I don't think you need the requestdispatcher for that?

- Thilo

vijay vijay wrote:
Hi i am having small requirement like i have to connect to db from db i have
select ted the emp table from there i need to show that result in my
jsp.ihave written java code like this below in action .here i am not
able to knw
how to proceed from here

can u help me here


public* *class* DbConnect {

String result=*null*,SUCCESS;

*public* String execute()



Connection con;



Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");








*return* result;


// RequestDispatcher



*catch*(Exception e){



*return* result;

On 11/16/07, Thilo Ettelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
sure, in your action method you can define:

ValueStack stack = ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack();

and then fill whatever object you have into the valuestack:

String sample = "Hello World";
stack.set("myIdentifier", sample);

In your JSP you can use the s:property tag to display your String in
this case:

<s:property value="myIdentifier"/>

you can put any ognl expression into the value part, read the docs for
more info on ognl.
for example you could have put an array onto the stack and call the
object at index 5 by using:

<s:property value="myIdentifierArray[5]"/>

You can also call methods like this method of a String object:

<s:property value="myIdentifier.toLowerCase"/>

- Thilo

vijay vijay wrote:
Hi can u give me some sample code to me

On 11/16/07, Thilo Ettelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Access the ValueStack in your action, it allows you to store objects
you can retrieve them from your jsp. You might need to know about the
ActionContext object accessable from your action.

Read more from the docs :)

- Thilo

vijay vijay wrote:

       i am writting a database connectionin action, here i wanted to


tth result back in to a jsp page.
in jsp what i need to write

any one help me here

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