Have the "Add Address" button submit to a different method - say,
addAddress() on personSave action itself.

ie <s:submit action="personSave" *method="addAddress"*>

For suppressing validation for this method alone, but allowing for other
methods on the action, use the wildcard action mappings -- see earlier posts
for the same.


On Dec 7, 2007 7:49 AM, Jeancarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>  I'm new on struts 2, and I'm using just struts 2 right now (no ajax), and
> the system I'm developing have a client and address, and I want to do
> something like the folowing:
> <s:form id="personForm" action="personSave" method="post" validate="true">
>        <s:textfield label="Name" name="firstName"  />
>        <s:submit value="Save" />
>        <s:submit id="addressView" action="addressView"/ value="Add
> addresses">
> </s:form>
> What I want to do is something like a partial form submission: above is
> the
> first view, and the form has a validation: the user must inform all fields
> before he can save, including the addresses which is in another view (the
> add addresses button), so, he can go directly to the 'add addresses' first
> (without fill the 'name' input), and when he clicks on the 'add addresses'
> button the validation complain about required fields. As you see I've
> tried
> to force to use another action in the 'add address' button, but it seams
> struts is using the action form to do the validation.
> This might be a silly example, but the complete one is more complex, so
> what
> I need is bypass the validation (like a wizard submission) and, at the
> same
> time, sending the information to the action, so I can get them when the
> user
> come back to the first view. Any suggestions? Is there another way to do
> that, like whit ajax (dojo) or tabbed panel maybe? Any example?
> Best regards.
> Jeancarlo.

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