I agree that it may better *not* to have Struts 1.x background if possible, if you plan on doing Struts 1.x in the future (e.g. put it on your Resume), please be aware that it is not the same.

If you have a Struts 1.x background, I strongly recommend the InfoQ tutorials (there are videos and a three part migration guide).

If you don't know Struts 1.x, then I'll suggest going to roseindia.

lbastil wrote:
I would say for some reasons it could be even advantage to not know struts1
and directly start with struts2.

A very good resource beside the available tutorials is:
(or even better, you buy the new book)


aum strut wrote:
Hi All,

I am new to struts and wana to learn it.Please suggest me can i start
directly to learn Struts2 or do i need to have prior knowledge of
Struts1.Any help or suggestion in this regard is much appriciated.



Alberto A. Flores

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