Did you try <s:action namespace="/some-namespace" action="myAction" executeResult="true"/>? If the namespace of the action that renders this page is also some-namespace you should be able to leave out the namespace attribute, too, and just use action="myAction".


paulbrickell wrote:
Cool the docs would make life easier for us poor saps.

I don't think I was clear about what I am seeing. If I have an action tag in
my page like this...

<s:action name="/some-namespace/myAction" executeResult="true"/>

And a struts.xml file that defines a package with the namespace
'some-namespace' that contains an action called myAction I see no call to
the target action (I am debugging and have a breakpoint in my action). I
simply get a blank space in my output. However if I past a full url in my
browser e.g. all is


newton.dave wrote:
--- paulbrickell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had seen those, but the problem I was having was that at no point in
docs (afaik) is there an example of a URL to actually target an action in
Noted, although the <s:action...> [1] and <s:url...>[2] tag documentation
does list the "namespace" attribute. I've added a task to add explicit

Do not seem to work. However like this...

<s:action name="do" namespace="space"/>

Annoyingly this...

<s:action name="do.action" namespace="space"/>
doesn't seem to work either.
Correct, appending the prefix to <s:action...>, which already assumes
referring to an action, wouldn't work.

And don't even get me started about using namespaced actions with the a
tag. href="/space/do" doesn't work either.
Well, no, "href" is for a URL, not an action, and the docs explicitly
the URL with <s:url...>

And the final insult when the actions don't resolve properly it fails
silently and all I get is an empty browser.:-/
I haven't seen that; do you have "devMode" turned on? Under what
circumstances do you get an empty browser?



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