Laurie Harper wrote:
> Are you sure? Have you confirmed that the session is the same in both 
> requests?

Yes, by checking the session id throughout the process.

Laurie Harper wrote:
> getSession(true) will create a session if one doesn't exist on the 
> request. If the session got lost somehow, this will mask that fault. You 
> might want to use getSession(false) and add a guard to ensure the 
> session is really there.

I've tried this with no luck.

Laurie Harper wrote:
>>             // save input form attributes to session
>>             session.setAttribute("PARMS", request.getParameterMap());
> Assuming the session really is the same, I'm guessing this is the 
> problem. You're saving a reference to a map owned by the current 
> request. There's no guarantee the underlying HttpServletRequest instance 
> wont have been reused by the time you try to access the map.
> Try making a copy of the request parameter map and storing that instead.

Made copy but didn't solve the problem.

Map parameterMap - request.getParameterMap();
session.setAttribute("PARMS", parameterMap);

Laurie Harper wrote:
> Also, you don't show any code that's removing the data you placed in the 
> session. Do you have clean-up code you didn't show and, if so, could it 
> be getting called out of sequence?

I haven't implemented it yet.

Anymore thoughts would be very helpful!

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