Hi Jeromy
I'm not clear what the performance problem you mention could be. This is what I'm doing myself and while my app's performance is OK, I would love to improve it. What do you mean by (e.g. select n+1 due to iteration)?

All the best

Actually, I've assumed you're using ORM like JPA/Hibernate/TopLink If not it's not as relevant, but still could be.

The select n+1 problem is well described over at Hibernate: http://www.hibernate.org/118.html

Basically, the problem occurs when you use lazy fetching and iterate through a collection. Instead of retrieving the entire collection from the database in one efficient query, the implementation performs a query for the parent object and then one query for each item in the collection in each pass of the iteration (hence n+1 selects). It's one of the risks of lazy fetching and using the session-in-view pattern. Developers often don't realise it until they analyse the queries because it seems slow. Caching can avoid it and also complicates it.

As you're accessing objects and hiding the fact they're loaded from a database, it's very easy to accidentally trigger this problem. If your converter is performing the query itself or through a service you can easily avoid it.

Hope that make sense.

Jeromy Evans

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