You can simply call a struts action through AJAX. A little bit of AJAX can
help to do your task. If you know AJAX, you can call struts action while
sending request as"GET",, true);

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Sonu S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  HI,
> I am using struts 1.2 in my web application. I have to display one
> <html:select>.... <html:options> list
> list will be build dynamically. User can select any option. base on the
> user's selection page will be refreshed (need to hit the database and
> display information in other fields on same page.) I need to know two
> things:
> 1) there is one submit button on that page and one action is associated
> with
> that submit button. i can call the associated action class once the user
> finish the form and click the submit button. When user select from list i
> need to call another action class.
> I want to know how to call another action class, (when user select
> something
> from list), as list control is inside the same html:form tag.
> 2) When user selects some value from list i need to refresh the page and
> populate the other fields.
> I would like to know, Lets say there are ten values and user has selected
> third option, how to keep selected that third option as page is already
> refreshed?
> I am beginner in struts.. any sample code would be a great help for me
> Thank you for time and help.
> sonu

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