Ted Husted wrote:
I'm trying to put together a list of the typical types of applications
that enterprise developer write in real life.

My current main project, which has been my main project for about two years now, is an application that seeks to unite all the back-office applications in our organization into one consolidated offering. Right now we have image viewing capability with workflow integration, new account creation and maintenance, account inquiry for call center personnel and account transfer creation/tracking/processing. We're a few weeks away from rolling correspondence creation under the common application. There are at least four separate projects going on that are new pieces that "snap" into this main application.

We offer a host of management reporting capabilities, real-time dashboarding of statistics and metrics for managers, multi-level security backed by a highly robust LDAP-based security infrastructure, and a host of web services for various clients. But all of this is under a common umbrella application... each piece is a separate bit of functionality (as evidence by the fact that some clients want part A and nothing else and we're able to provide that with the flip of a switch), and yet all the pieces are integrated (not just "at the glass" either, we're talking the ability for one component to use the data from another seamlessly) but at the same time they are developed independently and are, with few exceptions, highly isolated in terms of packaging and development cycles.

This is a highly complex undertaking that is pushing the limits of RIA development as most people know it today. It's using virtually every cool buzzword out there today in some form or other :) I have no qualms about putting it up against any other web-based application out there in terms of complexity and in terms of how close it actually comes to looking, feeling and functioning like a fat-client app. It's extremely flexible, powerful and pretty elegant architecturally (that's not to say it's perfect: when you do something this large and complex you're bound to learn some things through the process, and we certainly have, but it says a lot about how good the underling architecture is that we've been able to extend it and frankly correct things along the way without killing ourselves, our budget or our timelines).

This is a back-office application primarily, but as I mentioned, parts of it are used by various remote clients (the application and the web services, which are two separate offerings) as well as more front-office-type concerns (and all three groups are getting expanded functionality little by little... this is without question the fastest-growing application we have as most new development is targeted to be a part of it).

So, if anyone else is up for sharing, I'd be interested in hearing
what sort of things other people are doing these days. (If your not
comfortable posting the list, feel free to mail me direct.)

Over the past 10 years, here's a rundown of some of the other applications I've developed:

* An application for creating, tracking and reconciling transfers of assets between accounts (this capability has been rolled into the previously mentioned application). This is also very definitely an RIA and for a long time was the model for more advanced web UI applications throughout the company.

* An application for maintaining insurance accounts. This was a very interesting project because it was the first large web-based application that used data (and processing) on the mainframe. It was also notable because we didn't have an app server at the time, just a web server with some now-defunct IBM technology allowing us to talk to the mainframe. This application was actually developed around 1999, but it's in many ways *the* model for an RIA: with no app server, the *entire* application lived on the client... the calls to the mainframe were essentially service calls that always returned nothing but data that the client then did something with. Ironically, this is largely the model we're using for the first app I mentioned at the start, except now we're doing it with DWR and a far fancier UI.

* An application for processing of complex corporate actions (stock splits, things like that). This was one of the more logic-heavy applications because of the nature of the processing involved, and we essentially custom-developed a very capable rules engine for it. This was another RIA for sure, but it was a little server-heavy for my tastes (didn't use AJAX per se, but pulled a lot of the same sort of partial page refresh tricks).

* An application for processing of incoming payments. This was an interesting project because it started out as a Visual Foxpro-based Windows app and we pretty much ported the whole thing to the web in terms of look and feel... I remember many comments by long-time users that they couldn't tell the difference unless we told them (we simply updated the icon on their desktop to point to a URL rather than an executable).

All of those were internal-facing applications, some with client-facing applications. A few of the external-facing applications I've done:

* An application for viewing of canceled checks online by shareholders. This was again developed in the 90's, but it actually did what we'd all probably now call COMET (you could actually sit and watch a queue waiting for your check to show up in real-time).

* Created a portal (before there was such a term!) for our shareholders so they could monitor their holding, get messages from us, etc., all completely definable by them in terms of layout and content.

* Created an HTML-based facility for folks to securely download generated investment reports as they saw fit. I frankly don't even remember a whole lot about this except that it had some requirements that couldn't be achieved with kind of "basic" technologies, it required some pretty fancy coding to make work as specified (it hasn't been live for a couple of years, hence I've cleared out that portion of my brain to make room for more useful knowledge!)

Err, actually, I think that's it! Most of my work has been internal-facing. Oh, I actually consulted on an interface for CheckFree at one point too :)

I'm leaving out all the Windows-only products I developed since I assume they aren't terribly relevant to anyone on a Struts list :) None of that is more recent than about 1997 anyway.



Frank W. Zammetti
Author of "Practical DWR 2 Projects"
  and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
  and "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
  for info: apress.com/book/search?searchterm=zammetti&act=search
Java Web Parts - javawebparts.sourceforge.net
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
My "only partially serious" blog: zammetti.com/blog

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