I've been quiet on this one, but since I finally had a breakthrough
today, I feel like talking about it :)

I started a pet project that I've been toying around in my head for a
while. As a parent, I coach a few elementary and junior high sports. It
is a volunteer thing, and if offered pay, I would refuse it (the schools
need the money more than I do). The biggest complaint that parents have
though is that they feel like we don't provide enough information, etc.
Sometimes I want to tell the parents that complain to shove it :), but
as a parent myself, I feel the same way about teachers, so I try to do a
better job each season. Since I setup a wordpress/phpBB site a while
back (which I haven't been too diligent about updating), I thought about
doing something similar. Having dealt once with wordpress/phpBB, I have
vowed to never do it again. 

In an attempt to "eat-my-own-dog-food," I decided to do this all from
scratch with s2 and friends. So, I'm creating a site that is centered
around managing a team. The goal is to make a resource for parents and
fans to discuss the teams and athletes. It will mostly be a knock-off of
other blogs and forums, but it will provide some extra functionality for
whichever sport is being managed. So, stats, pictures and videos can be
uploaded. A schedule can be viewed (and managed by coaches). Coaches can
blog about the various events (matches, tournaments, etc.). And, users
can post in a forum (polls, regular forums). 

The fun part - The site is struts 2.1.?-SNAPSHOT based using Maven,
Spring, Hibernate (JPA), SiteMesh, Acegi, and Prototype/JQuery (haven't
decided yet). I'm using the codebehind plugin and other than acegi, I've
hardly written any configuration at all! It's wonderful. The
breakthrough I had was that I've created something like 40 entities so
far and just began work on s2 actions. I was crossing my fingers that my
generic dao, codebehind and spring autowire would allow me to code by
convention and that things would work properly. Imagine my surprise when
I had my first action working in less than a few hours! When I'm done, I
may yank the guts out and post an integrated blog/forum project to
sourceforge as an example of s2/spring/sitemesh/jpa with hints of AJAX,
but that's a ways out...


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