On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> hello everybody,
>  my need would be to click a link in my web page,
>  and to associate a variable parameter to it,
>  giving the possibility to the action java code to
>  recognize the parameter string and compute a logic
>  depending on its value; to be more clear, i visualize
>  a dinamyc number of links, one for each  id reflecting a
>  DB query computed before to obtain the id value  list, and thus, i would 
> like to use this id as a parameter for the same  action for every link; tha 
> action should use the id parameter to compute a second query, with the id 
> used as a key-field.

This is all what web applications are about, don't you think? :-)

>  How to specify the invocation of an action passing a parameter? i mean, how 
> to invoke it via html, and how to
>  read the parameter via action java code?

You don't need to "read" parameters passed like in plain servlets,
they're injected into your action when it has the appropriate
properties (setter/getter). Take a look at the bootstrap section[1]
from the struts tutorials[2] on the homepage as a starting point, and
take a look at the showcase app, it should have tons of examples for


[1] http://struts.apache.org/
[2] http://struts.apache.org/

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