Hi Jeromy,
The solutions provided doesn't work for me.
I still have the pop up message.

One more thing.
I found out that struts2 dojo have some missing files.
I used fidler to check :


Will this be the problem.

I'm using struts2-core-2.0.9.jar

Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Simon Sew wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a simple ajax using struts2. The ajax is running 
> fine.But I'm trying to fix this error message when using https server. The 
> alert message is "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.
> Do you wish to display the nonsecure items?".
> ...
> Anyone knows what am I doing wrong here?

Unfortunately it's a bug in dojo 0.4 [Ticket#2390].  You have no option 
but to patch it manually or upgrade to a new version.  It's possible 
that it's fixed in Struts 2.1 (using Dojo0.4.3) but is definitely 
present in Struts 2.0.x (Dojo 0.4.0). 

I don't use Dojo any more, but remarkably I kept notes about how I 
patched it. You will need to extract dojo, modify it and recompress 
using the instructions at :

To prevent the "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items" 
issue present in IE7.
When you read the ticket and find the following file it will be obvious 
what the change is:

var html="";
if (dojo.render.html.ie70) {
        + " style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; 
height: 100%;"
        + "z-index: -1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=\"0\");' "
        + ">";
} else {
        + "' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 
100%; height: 100%;"
        + "z-index: -1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=\"0\");' "
        + ">";

Good luck,
Jeromy Evans

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