
I have pinpoint the problem to this remote div.. The code as below.

<s:div id="contentReport" href="%{report_dynamic}"
 autoStart="false" listenTopics="/refreshContent" formId="report_form"

 showErrorTransportText="false" theme="ajax">
I tried change the iframe.js but to no avail.
I tried using
1) https://
2) https://about:blank
3) javascript:false
4) "blank"

I have even tried 2.0.11 which is the latest one. The bug still there.
Is there a 2.1 version out there?

Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Simon Sew wrote:
> Hi Jeromy,
> The solutions provided doesn't work for me.
> I still have the pop up message.
> One more thing.
> I found out that struts2 dojo have some missing files.
> I used fidler to check :
>  /struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorian.js           
> /struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en/gregorianExtras.js          
> /struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorianExtras.js           
> /struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en/TimePicker.js           
> /struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en-us/TimePicker.js                 
> /struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en/DropdownTimePicker.js             
> /struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en-us/DropdownTimePicker.js   
> Will this be the problem.

No, missing files won't cause the warning message.  Those missing files 
will prevent the DatePicker from working.  That implies the custom dojo 
profile didn't include the DatePicker.

The IE warning message is caused by dojo (or something else in the page) 
loading a file via HTTP within an secure page.  The patch I provided 
fixed Dojo's use of one particular iframe (used with remote divs).  
You'll need to isolate exactly which widget is causing the problem by 
taking sections out of your page.

Also while debugging use the uncompressed dojo file.  Rename the 
compressed one to something else and substitute in the uncompressed 
version.  You can add breakpoints to find the precise cause.

I did have an application working in IE7 HTTPS using Struts 2.0.9 with 
the following widgets: div, datepicker, timepicker, tabbedpanel
I stopped using Dojo when I needed asyc fileupload in HTTPS in IE7.

You may need to contact the Dojo user group to ask for more 
information.  You're using Dojo 0.4.0 though so they may just tell you 
to upgrade.

Hope that helps.  It's a difficult problem to solve.

 Jeromy Evans

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