OK, Problem solved (switched to using apache and tomcat).

Now, as I was saying... can you do better that http://www.lifefeed.info/ ?


Al Sutton wrote:
OK, small hitch atm, Jetty in it's infinite wisdom is adding a jsessionid to all requests which is screwing over the REST plugin....


Al Sutton wrote:
Well, OK, S2.1 (but the title wouldn't sound so catchy).

A push is being made for a high quality 2.1 GA release, and in order to do this the codebase needs a jolly good thrashing in every way imaginable, and the best way of doing this is to write S2.1 apps (and don't worry, the codebase loves a good thrashing).

So, in the space of 5 working days, what can you produce that uses S2.1?

On Monday I started writing a webapp that you can now play with at http://www.lifefeed.info/, so it's possible to write at least something in that amount of time :).

So come on, show us what you can do!!!!


P.S. For those who are interested, in order to cut down on the coding time I used Hibernate, Sitemesh, and the S2.1 REST plugin. Feel like trying a better combination?

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