Is it a REST thing or a Jetty thing?

My view would be that as Jetty is adding the jsessionid Jetty should also recognize it, strip it off, and not pass it to the underlying webapp because it's part of the webapp magic of session to request mapping.


Musachy Barroso wrote:
I just hit the same problem, I think the REST plugin doesn't handle
that case very well.


On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Al Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, Problem solved (switched to using apache and tomcat).

Now, as I was saying... can you do better that ?


Al Sutton wrote:
OK, small hitch atm, Jetty in it's infinite wisdom is adding a jsessionid
to all requests which is screwing over the REST plugin....


Al Sutton wrote:
Well, OK, S2.1 (but the title wouldn't sound so catchy).

A push is being made for a high quality 2.1 GA release, and in order to
do this the codebase needs a jolly good thrashing in every way imaginable,
and the best way of doing this is to write S2.1 apps (and don't worry, the
codebase loves a good thrashing).

So, in the space of 5 working days, what can you produce that uses S2.1?

On Monday I started writing a webapp that you can now play with at, so it's possible to write at least something in
that amount of time :).

So come on, show us what you can do!!!!


P.S. For those who are interested, in order to cut down on the coding
time I used Hibernate, Sitemesh, and the S2.1 REST plugin. Feel like trying
a better combination?

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