Ok, I started a new test with  ognl 2.6.11 vs ognl 2.7.2 vs ognl 2.7.2 +
Request-response time was stopped with Yslow firefox plugin for firefox 3

firstly ognl 2.6.11 was faster than 2.7.2 with or without javassist
everytime, no matter how often I executed the test.
I couldn't notice any difference in performance between 2.7.2 and 2.7.2 +

Anyway, I reverted back to 2.6.11. (Still disappointed with how slow struts2
is compared to struts1 despite haven taken all the performance tuning
measures listed on the apache site)

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Dale Newfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> yorlick kilroy wrote:
>> I'm sorry but I only just read about javassist now, as I had no idea what
>> it
>> is nor does. How do I include it? do I just drop it in my lib folder like
>> I
>> do with other Struts plugins? How do I use it? and what exactly does it
>> do?
> Yes, just drop the .jar into your WEB-INF/lib directory.
> http://www.csg.is.titech.ac.jp/~chiba/javassist/<http://www.csg.is.titech.ac.jp/%7Echiba/javassist/>
> I believe it's used by ognl, if present.  "Javassist is a Java library
> providing means to manipulate the Java bytecode of an application. In this
> sense Javassist provides the support for structural reflection, i.e. the
> ability to change the implementation of a class at runtime." Basically if I
> understand it correctly, ognl2.7 can do some amount of "expression
> compilation" in such a way that less work is needed when those same (sub?)
> expressions are next evaluated.
> I believe most of the benefits won't be realized until we jump through a
> number of hoops in our use of ognl that we've yet to implement in
> xwork2/struts2, but if this (possibly premature) "upgrade" actively slows
> down ognl evaluation, I'd like to know.  (Since I swapped in these more
> recent ognl version in the project I'm currently developing, I'd really like
> to know if that was a step backwards.)
> -Dale
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