BGE Ger wrote:
I'm struts(2) newbie and I need some help for the iterator tag.
How can I access to an updated list in the action class?
My JSP looks like:

<s:form theme="simple">
        <s:iterator   value="descList" status="stat">
        <td ><s:textarea name="descList[%{stat.index}].destination"
value="%{destination}"        /></td>
<td ><s:textarea name="descList[%{stat.index}].category" value="%{category}" /></td> <td ><s:textarea name="descrList[%{stat.index}].source" value="%{source}" /></td> <td><s:textarea name="descList[%{stat.index}].text" value="%{text}"/></td>
        <s:submit action="updateDescriptions" />
Action class:

public class DescriptionTestAction extends ActionSupport {

   private List<Text> descList;
   public DescriptionTestAction () {

public void setDescList(List descList) {
           this.descList = descList;
public List getDescList () { return this.descList; }

The descList is a spring Bean and everything works well except the update
If I make an update for the destination field e.g. and then submit this form
the descList contains the old values! I've tried everything and spend  lot
of time for searching for a solution, please help! Thank you in advance!

What do you mean that descList is a spring bean? Is it being injected into the action by Spring? If so, perhaps that is happening after the parameters are set (so overwriting the submitted values). Try tracing calls to setDescList() to see if it is being called from multiple places and, if so, in what order.


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