Hi list...

I got a page that has got a sx:div loading its content from an action
(result is search.jsp) and a div that is loaded via
divDisplay.innerHTML=data; and topic.subscribe after I clicked on a
button in search.jsp that publishes the necessary topic.

The publish topic is called from a js function that looks like that:
function searchProcess() {
        var sSearchProcess = document.getElementById("Prozess").value;
        var sSearchField = document.getElementById("Suchfeld").value;
        dojo.event.topic.publish('daskaSuchen', { Prozess:
sSearchProcess, Suchfeld: sSearchField });
        return false;
And my subscription to that topic looks like
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("daskaSuchen", function daskaSuchen(doc) {
            url: "<s:url value='SearchDaska.action'
            load: function(type, data, evt) {
                var divDisplay = dojo.byId("resultDiv");
            mimeType: "text/html"

The problem I got is, that document.getElementById(...) works fine in
Firefox 2.x - Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3 seem to have problems to
find the input fields in the sx:div jsp page.

I also tried to get the values from the input fields with dojo.byId -
but its just the same.

Any hints how to send the values of the input fields without page submit
to the action for the second div?

Kind regards
Jan Froehlich

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