Struts gurus
Help. But allow me to head off any discussion about Struts versions,
etc. It is suffice to say the following:
is bookmarked by every developer on the team and the application is one
that is highly active and used by millions of users. Upgrading the JAR
and action classes cannot be done at this time. 
Laugh if you must, but please help. :)
We have a form that has a dynamic number of rows based on the selection
of items on a previous page. The selection updates a boolean field in a
Map keyed by transaction numbers:
    key => VO
The key is a string that looks like "9876782". The VO object is pretty
standard for a VO... fields, accessors, mutators, etc.
The second page of the form looks like this, abridged:
Date       Cost       Date of Cost     Type of Cost
          +----+      +----------+    
9/3/08    |    |      |          |     0 Personal  0 Business
          +----+      +----------+   
          +----+      +----------+    
9/4/08    |    |      |          |     0 Personal  0 Business
          +----+      +----------+   
The number of rows are dynamic.
So how do I get the Map updated on submit?
I'm currently using the logic:iterate tag to some effectiveness but not
on the updating of the Map'd VOs on submit. Here's some code:
<logic:present name="transBean">
  <logic:iterate indexId="ctr" id="transItem" name="transBean"
     <bean:define id="item" name="transItem" property="value"
      <% boolean checked = item.getIsSelectedTransaction(); %>
     <% bandcount++;
        if(item.getIsSelectedTransaction()) { %>      
      <tr class="<%= (bandcount%2==1 ? "bandcolor" :
      <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"><bean:write
name="transItem" property="value.transDate"/></td>
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"><bean:write
name="transItem" property="value.postDate"/></td>
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"><bean:write
name="transItem" property="value.description"/></td>
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"><bean:write
name="transItem" property="value.purchasAmount"/></td>      
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"
valign="bottom"><bean:write name="transItem" property="value.amount" />
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top"><bean:write
name="transItem"  property="value.travelDate" /></td>
    <td class="transaction" align="left" valign="top" NOWRAP>    
        <input type="radio" name='<%="transactions[" + ctr +
"].value.transtype"%>' value="B" <%=(checked)?"checked":""%> />    
    <strong>Business</strong> <br />   
    <input type="radio" name='<%="transactions[" + ctr +
"].value.transtype"%>' value="P" <%=(checked)?"checked":""%> />   
    <strong>Personal</strong> </td>  
   <% } %>       
I've looked very closely at the following documentation:
And I feel I'm very close, but just not quite there. There's a trick
here, and it cannot be the indexed attribute. Remember, v1.0.2 did not
have this support. It was not native until v1.1 (or so it seems) and
updating/patching the jar is not an option at this time.
Many Thanks! I look forward to any help on solving this puzzle.


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