Using dojo.addOnUnload(function) neither works. Besides that, I would need sht like dojo.addOnBeforeUnload, but it does not exist.

I don´t think I should subscribe for an ajax-request-completion event, but for the beforeunload one, don´t I?


Jeromy Evans escribió:
Pablo Vázquez Blázquez wrote:
No idea or miss-explanation?

Use dojo's event model. You need to register a listener/subscriber for the event via dojo.

If you assign a listener directly to onbeforeunload or onload you'll overwrite the listeners that dojo needs to assign (or vice-versa, dojo will overwrite yours).

Check the dojo docs for examples. I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Also, there should be a dojo-specific event you can subscribe to for the completion of an ajax request, rather than the page-related events. Check the recipes for that.

Hope that helps a little.

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