dojo.connect does not exist in dojo 0.4 :(

And separateScritpts attribute neither does in struts 2.0.9.

Jeromy Evans escribió:
Pablo Vázquez Blázquez wrote:
Using dojo.addOnUnload(function) neither works. Besides that, I would need sht like dojo.addOnBeforeUnload, but it does not exist.

I don´t think I should subscribe for an ajax-request-completion event, but for the beforeunload one, don´t I?


Use the dojo.connect function to listen to an arbitrary event. See the comments to this related post:

I don't use it myself. Just pointing you in the right direction.

Also, if the script is inline within your ajax response, see the recently updated notes on Handling AJAX Responses here:
(its written for 2.1 but mostly applies)
I'd consider turning on separateScritpts as well.

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