UITOT schrieb:
Hello all,
I have developed 1 application using struts.I am getting this error in my
JSP.I have used logic:iterate.I have populated an arraylist in action class
which I am using in my JSP.I am able to see the data from the arraylist in
my JSP but I am getting error when I am clicking on the hyperlink in
JSP.This is the error.Please help me as I am pretty new to struts.Any help
will be highly appreciated.Thanx in advance.
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean: "topic_list" in any scope
I don't know anything about Struts 1 but this looks to me as if you didn't create a bean with the name "topic_list" anywhere in the code.
// this is the statement which is generating error get_threads.do?topic_id=<bean:write name= ">

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