Your problem is in the following line in your struts.xml file -

                <action name="*" >

In itself, this configuration is not a bad thing, but it's location is
your problem. I think order is important in the struts.xml file. Since
this wildcard is located before your "Logon_*" action, it is matched
first. Try moving your wildcard action further down in your package
configuration so that Logon_* will be matched first. 


On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 20:26 -0700, newbie-gero wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm new to struts 2 and i'm trying out the example in the struts2 webpage.
> Currently i'm trying on the struts2 tutorial on bypassing the validation as
> listed on
> However i encounter a few problems when i deploy the code in tomcat server.
> When the page is up by entering
> http://localhost:8080/tutorial/HelloWorld.action in the url section on the
> browser, i click on the English language.
> NExt i click on the 'Sign On' hyperlink. It should direct me to the
> Logon.jsp page, but the result on my browser shows error 404 and states that
> the requested source /tutorial/Login_input.jsp is not available.
> This is my section on the validation on my struts.xml 
> <action name = "Logon_*" method = "{1}" class = "tutorial.Logon">
> <result name = "input">/Logon.jsp</result>
> <result type = "redirect-action">Menu</result>
> </action>
> I have already follow every possible instruction on the struts tutorial page
> but i still cannot solve this issue. I have upload my code running on my
> tomcat server along with this post.
> Please help me with this issue. 
> Thanks in advance

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