Hi guys

I have this ActionForm

public class InterestsForm extends ActionForm {
        private String[] selectedItems = {}; 
        private String[] items = {"business","htech""};
      private String[] userPreviousSelectedItems= {"business"};
public String[] getSelectedItems() { 
          return this.selectedItems; 
        public void setSelectedItems(String[] selectedItems) { 
          this.selectedItems = selectedItems; 


And this form:
<logic:iterate indexId="counter" name="interestFrom" id="item"
<html:multibox property="selectedItems" >
<bean:write name="item" />
<bean:message key="interests.<bean:write name="item" />" />

I would like to check the items that the user checked previously and I
stored them in userPreviousSelectedItems (I can also create a collection

How can I do it?



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