Yes Andy, you are right. I added the <result name="input">, but why it is
executing automatically. It is executed automatically when i start my

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Andy Sykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Faraz,
> When using validation, the input result tells Struts where to
> dispatch/redirect to if there's a validation error. When you submit the
> form, Struts checks the fields against the validation XML - if there's an
> error, it adds FieldError objects to the FieldErrors object on the value
> stack, and dispatches to the JSP (or other resource) defined in the input
> result element. This is nearly always the JSP containing the form you
> submitted from.
> You have to have a <result name="input"> because Struts has to know where
> to redirect in the event of a validation error.
> Not sure what you mean by the last bit of your question..
> Andy.
> On 10 Dec 2008, at 05:56, Faraz Ali wrote:
> 13:45:18,390 ERROR [ActionComponent] Could not execute action:
>> /web/MyAction
>> No result defined for action com.web.actions.MyAction and result input -
>> action - file:/C:/
>> jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp35854MyWeb-exp.war/WEB-<>
>> INF/classes/struts.xml:12:69
>> 1. I have a simple Action class MyAction
>> 2. A corresponding MyAction-validation.xml present in same location as
>> Action class
>> 3. <s:fielderror /> is included in jsp
>> 4. No <result name="input"> is present
>> My Question is why do we need this input element? Because i want to
>> control
>> it my way. And if i add this input element, its opening the jsp page at
>> the
>> start of the application. Can anybody help me how to do validation
>> properly
>> in struts2 application?
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Faraz Ali
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Best Regards,
Faraz Ali

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