Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Dave is 100% correct: S2 != S1. They have a few concepts in common naturally, but there is, I think it's fair to say, more that makes them different than makes them alike. A complete rewrite is probably the best bet (I heard tell of some porting possibilities, side-by-side execution possibilities, but I'm not sure what the status of those are).

Or, as I said, no rewrite at all. Sometimes leaving well enough alone really is the best option.

I'd suggest to not rewrite completely in one big bang but to do this in a continuous process over time. In our shop here i'm currently working with S2 in a (so we claim) highly complex application heavily using Struts 1 (or, to say the truth, a custom-patched beta version of Struts 1). So we have here the typical scenario where actually upgrading *everything* would be an effort in the mega-worker-hours region. Therefore we decided to indeed run S2 in parallel with S1 and implement new stuff with S2 and continue maintaining the old stuff in S1. (We may or may not port old S1 actions to S2 in the future, that depends on the issues we encounter. Existing and working S1 actions will definitely not be touched!) Running the two side-by-side works as expected (if you define the filter mapping in your web.xml properly). We have a few battle-proven S1-based actions that we need the new S2 actions to interact with, for this we needed a few S2 struts.xml result definitions that redirect to S1-based action URLs, and a few S1-based stuts-config.xml forward paths that redirect to S2-based action URLs. I would definitely say that this approach is good for any non-trivial application. As an ultimate benefit, working with two frameworks in parallel keeps your mind fresh :-)


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