GET HTTP 302 according to httpheaders

It looks fine and should be fine, assuming the struts2 redirect resulttype is 

But somehow firefox seems to be too clever and appears to be breaking the standard browser contract to replace the POST with the GET

To confuse me more, it is only doing this on one server on my dev box. The same page on the deployment server works fine - arg!

Actually now that I check, it's not doing it on the dev server either. It looks like I can't reproduce it. How annoying!

So it seems to be intermittent - possibly something bad that I intermittently do without realising. But I did spend an hour trying to solve it last night without any luck.


Martin Gainty on 31/03/09 03:46, wrote:
In Firefox
so if I am on Investran and am redirected to cyberspaceroad
I then (login) to <welcome-file> on cyberspaceroad on refresh I am redirected to original Investran

Can you see which redirect code is returned (301,307) and which method(POST/GET)
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 02:59:01 +0100
Subject: post-redirect-get in Firefox

I think this is likely to be nothing to do with struts but rather with firefox, however trawling the net for firefox info on the subject hasn't yielded anything interesting.

I noticed a while back that my redirects are not replacing the history in the browser - firefox in particular, but not opera.

If I submit a form, then the redirect response is retured and the browser fetches the appropriate page.

Normally if I hit Refresh, it should just refetch the last page. However Firefox is ignoring the redirect and actually resubmitting the form after showing the warning / confirmation dialog.

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