Please don't send private emails following up a thread. This is not a
test case for a bug, this is commented code. I am not saying that
there isn't a bug there, maybe there is.


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Martin Gainty <> wrote:
> //rather lengthy testcase for includeProperties
> com.googlecode.jsonplugin.JSONResultTest
>   public void testIncludePropertiesWithList() throws Exception {
>         JSONResult result = new JSONResult();
> /*public class JSONResult implements Result {
>     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8624350183189931165L;
>     private String defaultEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
>     private List<Pattern> includeProperties; //you want to initialise this!
> */
>         result.setIncludeProperties("^list\\[\\d+\\]\\.booleanField");
> /*** @param includedProperties the includeProperties to set
>      */
>     public void setIncludeProperties(String commaDelim) {
>         List<String> includePatterns = JSONUtil.asList(commaDelim);
> //splits all Strings using , as delimiter
> /*    public static List<String> asList(String commaDelim) {
>         if ((commaDelim == null) || (commaDelim.trim().length() == 0))
>             return null;
>         List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
>         String[] split = commaDelim.split(",");
>         for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
>             String trimmed = split[i].trim();
>             if (trimmed.length() > 0) {
>                 list.add(trimmed);
>             }
>         }
>         return list;
>     }
> */
>         if (includePatterns != null)  //TRUE
>         {
>             this.includeProperties = new
> ArrayList<Pattern>(includePatterns.size());
> //includeProperties now includes ArrayList<Pattern>
>             HashMap existingPatterns = new HashMap();
>             for (String pattern : includePatterns) {
>                 // Compile a pattern for each *unique* "level" of the object
>                 // hierarchy specified in the regex.
>                 //split according to \ delimiter found
>                 String[] patternPieces = pattern.split("\\\\\\.");
>                 String patternExpr = "";
> //the individual patternPieces will be referred to as patternPiece
>                 for (String patternPiece : patternPieces)
>                 {
> //patternExpr is null on first go-around (bypass this logic on first
> go-around)
>                     if (patternExpr.length() > 0)
>                     {
>                         patternExpr += "\\.";
>                     }
>                     patternExpr += patternPiece; //patternExpr=patternPiece
> // Check for duplicate patterns so that there is no overlap.
> //first go around will always execute logic as !existingPatterns returns
> true
>                     if (!existingPatterns.containsKey(patternExpr))
>                     {
> //doesnt make sense..if existingPatterns already contains patternExpr why
> add it again?
> //would'nt you want to leave existingPatterns HashMap alone?
>                         existingPatterns.put(patternExpr, patternExpr);
> //Add a pattern that does not have the indexed property matching (ie.
> list\[\d+\] //becomes list).
> //look for the end in the piece we have
>                      if (patternPiece.endsWith("\\]"))
>                      {
> //doesnt make're testing patternPiece.lastIndexOf("\\["))));
> //then why compile patternExpr?
> //why not take the relevant patternPiece and assign it to patternExpr
> //then let the statement  later in the code
> this.includeProperties.add(Pattern.compile(patternExpr)); handle this?
> this.includeProperties.add(Pattern.compile(patternExpr.substring(0,
> patternPiece.lastIndexOf("\\["))));
> //enable the log so we can see this message
>     if (log.isDebugEnabled())
>                                 log.debug("Adding include property
> expression:  " + patternExpr.substring(0, patternPiece.lastIndexOf("\\[")));
>                         }
> //this unconditionally adds the (compiled version of) patternExpr to
> includeProperties
> this.includeProperties.add(Pattern.compile(patternExpr));
>                         if (log.isDebugEnabled())
>                             log.debug("Adding include property expression:
> " + patternExpr);
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> */
> from what i can see there is a bug with JSONResult
> public void setIncludeProperties(String commaDelim) method
> ?
> Martin Gainty
> "Good Manners dont cost nothing" - Pink Floyd
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>> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 22:42:27 -0400
>> Subject: Re: JSON plugin ignoring includeProperties parameter
>> From:
>> To:
>> There is a getItems() in your action right? Does anything get generated at
>> all?
>> musachy
>> --
>> "Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone?" Pink Floyd
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