hello dale-
in my xwork discoveries i came upon the ShortCircuitableValidator defined as
/** Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by OpenSymphony All rights reserved.*/
package com.opensymphony.xwork.validator;
 * This interface should be implemented by validators that can short-circuit 
the validator queue that it is in @author Mark Woon
public interface ShortCircuitableValidator {
    /*** Sets whether this field validator should short circuit the validator 
     * it's in if validation fails
     * @param shortcircuit true if this field validator should short circuit on
     *                     failure, false otherwise
    public void setShortCircuit(boolean shortcircuit);

    /*** Gets whether this field validator should short circuit the validator 
     * it's in if validation fails.
     * @return true if this field validator should short circuit on failure,
     *         false otherwise*/
    public boolean isShortCircuit();

//action class not implements ShortCircuitableValidator
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport implements 
    OgnlValueStack vs = new OgnlValueStack();
    String isBogus =(isShortCircuit()==true)?"true":"false";
        try {
            vs.setValue("shortCircuitRedirectUrl", isBogus, 1);
         catch (OgnlException e) 
          log.debug("OgnlException happened here"+e.getMessage());

would this work for shortCircuitRedirectUrl ?
Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 11:25:47 -0400
> From: d...@newfield.org
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Struts2 Interceptor
> Stefano Corallo wrote:
> > i think that this is the only one solution. Thanks guys for your reply.
> If you don't have a base class for all of your actions, you might be 
> able in the interceptor to get ahold of the ognl valueStack and set the 
> value directly, then refer to #shortCircuitRedirectUrl (in the ognl 
> dictionary rather than an attribute on action (top of ValueStack)).
> -Dale
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