Hi folks

I'm using Struts 2.1.6 (not convention) and URLRewrite filter.I'm trying to
remove .action extension from a form's action attribute.

A simple tag like this:
<s:form id="crearWhere" theme="simple" action="../where/create"

it's rendered as:
<form id="crearWhere" name="crearWhere" action="/MyProject/../where/*
create.action*" method="post">

I need to tidy this uri removing ".action" from action-attribute.

http://struts.apache.org/2.1.6/docs/form.html says
If the action is given and is not an action alias defined in struts.xml,
Struts will used the action attribute as if it is the posting url, separting
the namespace from it and using UrlHelper to generate the final url.

This is my case, so, I suppose I should config UrlHelper to build my own
URL, but I got nothing about it.
Thanks in advance

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