Components are for tags

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Martin Gainty<> wrote:
> one of your UI beans can extend org.apache.struts2.components.Component e.g.
> public class MyBean extend org.apache.struts2.components.Component {
> javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream stream;
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res;
> then
> @Override
>    protected String determineActionURL(String action, String namespace, 
> String method,
>                                        HttpServletRequest req, 
> HttpServletResponse res, Map parameters, String scheme,
>                                        boolean includeContext, boolean 
> encodeResult, boolean forceAddSchemeHostAndPort,
>                                        boolean escapeAmp) {
>        this.res = res;
>        try
>        {
>         stream=res.getOutputStream();
>        }
>        catch(java.lang.Exception excp)
>        {
>          log.debug("OutputStream is null"+excp.getMessage());
>         }
>        String finalAction = findString(action);
>        String finalMethod = method != null ? findString(method) : method;
>        String finalNamespace = determineNamespace(namespace, getStack(), req);
>        ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping(finalAction, finalNamespace, 
> finalMethod, parameters);
>        String uri = actionMapper.getUriFromActionMapping(mapping);
>        return UrlHelper.buildUrl(uri, req, res, parameters, scheme, 
> includeContext, encodeResult, forceAddSchemeHostAndPort, escapeAmp);
>    }
> .......
> }
> y/n?
> Martin
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>> Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:59:30 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [OT]Moving from Struts2 to grails, your thoughts
>> From:
>> To:
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Bhaarat Sharma<> wrote:
>> > This might be too simple ...but how will i get the outputstream?
>> > lets say I have something like this
>> >
>> > if (addNewQuestion () == 1)
>> > {
>> >                String numQsAdded = "<div
>> > id='message1'>"+getQuestion().substring(1, 
>> > getQuestion().length())+"</div>";
>> >                //I want to put numQsAdded into a outputstream
>> >                return NONE;
>> >  }
>> >
>> >
>> > my action is implementing ServletRequestAware so I have access to
>> > the HttpServletRequest request
>> >
>> The OutputStream usually comes from the response (since you are
>> responding). I think you might be able to pull the ServletResponse out
>> of the ActionContext if you don't want to implement the interfaces.
>> -Wes
>> --
>> Wes Wannemacher
>> Author - Struts 2 In Practice
>> Includes coverage of Struts 2.1, Spring, JPA, JQuery, Sitemesh and more
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